Mobile Device Forensics


Project Description:  The term team project is on mobile devices forensics (MDF). You need to apply what you have learned in the class to MDF, investigate MDF further via reading literatures and internet resources, and do necessary experiments to gain hands-on experience.  You may select the topics, devices, and methodology. The general structure of the project should include at least the following components: 1) Come up with a scenario of either computer criminal scene or employee termination case.  2) Make an assessment plan based on the above scenario using general forensics methodology (i.e., a structured sequence of procedures to be forensically sound)  3) Acquire data from a mobile device. Store the acquired information in another medium (if you find the evidence related to your topic in Internet) or simply build a raw image using any tool at your disposal (make fictitious evidence related to your topic), regardless of what type of real time or offline analysis is conducted.  4) Analyze, search, and identify evidence from the acquired mobile devices. You should demonstrate some level of complexity in such analysis. If there aren’t any adequate tools available for the task, you should develop an application that can solve a particular problem. Suggested programming language to use for this purpose is Python. The application can be a log analyzer that reads in a log file, extracting important information; an image digger that recovers images; and/or a pdf file diver that recovers pdf files.  5) Make sure to use evidence sheet (single or multiple) to record evidence.  6) Make sure necessary procedures are followed (recorded) so that any evidences recovered can be used in a court or in a case against an employee.  7) Report detailed findings including executive summary with conclusion.  Project Implementation:  You need to refer to the text about MDF, investigate literature and tools on MDF, and the lecture notes on MDF.

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